fun style(pieColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary, pieColors: List<Color> = emptyList(), borderColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.surface, innerPadding: Dp = 15.dp, donutPercentage: Float = 0.0f, borderWidth: Float = 3.0f, legendVisible: Boolean = false, chartViewStyle: ChartViewStyle = PieChartStyle
Returns a PieChartStyle with the provided parameters or their default values.
pie Color
The color to be used for the pie chart if pieColors is empty. Defaults to the primary color of the MaterialTheme.
pie Colors
The colors to be used for the slices in the pie chart. Defaults to an empty list.
border Color
The color of the border around the pie chart. Defaults to the surface color of the MaterialTheme.
inner Padding
The inner padding of the pie chart. Defaults to 15.dp.
donut Percentage
The percentage of the chart that should be a donut hole. Defaults to 0f.
border Width
The width of the border around the pie chart. Defaults to 3f.
legend Visible
A boolean indicating whether the legend is visible. Defaults to false.
chart View Style
The style to be applied to the chart view. Defaults to the default style of ChartViewDefaults.